Sunday, May 20, 2012

5 Steps To Live Longer & Healthier by Dr Ross Walker

If you are someone who wants to live longer and healthier these 5 steps keep coming up trumps:

1. Have Regular Health Checkups - Visit your GP every 3 months or less. Have them check your coronary (heart) health, calcium levels for bone density, Check for cancers - skin, breast & prostate and any other risk factors that pertain to you.

2. Do 3-5 hours per week of Quality Exercise - Whats your game? Walk, jog, play, skip, climb and factor it in at least 3 times a week.

3. Environmental Factors - such as too much sun, check the air quality you are breathing and water quality you are drinking, minimise exposure to electronics, microwaves in the environment and toxins.

4. Ask your GP about having a Genetic Health check - This is the way of the future and the future is now! You can have your entire genetic make-up mapped for risk factors and plan your life to minimise the risk factors and maximise your strengths.

5. Spiritual/Emotional/Mind Health - Studies show that those who regularly pray, meditate, ponder and take time out live happier, more fulfilled and longer lives. Also its shown to be important to set aside regular time for fun and enjoyment.

Dr. Ross Walker is an eminent practicing cardiologist with a passion for people and health. Considered one of the world’s best keynote speakers and life coaches, he is the author of seven books (all of which have been best sellers). Dr. Walker is also a regular presenter on the Nine Network’s TODAY Show, A CURRENT AFFAIR, and has most recently appeared as the medical expert on EXCESS BAGGAGE. He also presents on radio stations 2UE6PR4BC and 3AW

Long Live YOU!


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